# $EPIC: chops.txt,v 1.3 2006/07/17 20:15:25 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis====== $__chops__() ======Technical:====== * If the argument is omitted, the current window's current channel is used. THIS IS NOT NECCESARILY THE CORRECT CHANNEL IN AN /ON! * If the argument is the literal star character (``*''), the current window's current channel is used. THIS IS NOT NECCESARILY THE CORRECT CHANNEL IN AN /[[ON]]! * This function returns the channel operators on the specified channel. * You must be on the channel; the empty string is returned if you are not. * Before /[[ON CHANNEL_SYNC]] is thrown, this function may return the empty string (because EPIC does not know who are the channel operators yet.) * A design defect in the historical server implementation may cause truncated nicknames to be included in the list. The client corrects these truncated nicknames by watching the WHO reply. Before /[[ON CHANNEL_SYNC]] is thrown, truncated nicknames may be included in this list. * In general you cannot use this function in a status_format. ======Practical:====== The most common use of $[[chops]]() is to send a message to all the channel operators. You can use /[[FE]] to break up the list into groups that won't offend your server, and use $[[sar]]() to convert the spaces into commas. ======Returns:====== The channel operators on the specified channel. You must be on the channel. Before /[[ON CHANNEL_SYNC]], this function may return the empty string, or a list with truncated nicknames. ======Examples:====== $chops(#foo) shows operators on channel #foo $chops(*) shows channel operators on current channel $chops() shows channel operators on current channel ======History:====== This function first appeared in "+3" (post-ircII, pre-EPIC). Support for the default argument and for "*" first appeared in "+4".