# $EPIC: dccctl.txt,v 1.8 2008/04/11 23:12:17 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__dccctl__(REFNUMS) \\ $__dccctl__(TYPEMATCH [pattern]) \\ $__dccctl__(DESCMATCH [pattern]) \\ $__dccctl__(FILEMATCH [pattern]) \\ $__dccctl__(USERMATCH [pattern]) \\ $__dccctl__(OTHERMATCH [pattern]) \\ $__dccctl__(LOCKED [pattern]) \\ $__dccctl__(REFBASE [number]) \\ $__dccctl__(HELD) \\ $__dccctl__(UNHELD) \\ $__dccctl__(WRITABLES) \\ $__dccctl__(USERHOSTMATCH [userhost]) \\ $__dccctl__(DEFAULT_PORT [string]) \\ $__dccctl__(WANT_PORT [string]) \\ $__dccctl__(GET ) \\ $__dccctl__(SET ) ======Technical:====== * $__dccctl__(REFNUMS) \\ Return all integer refnums for all active ignores. * $__dccctl__(REFBASE [number]) \\ Change the number that new refnums are generated from. * $__dccctl__(TYPEMATCH [pattern]) \\ Return all dcc refnums whose type matches [pattern]: \\ CHAT SEND GET RAW RAW_LISTEN * $__dccctl__(DESCMATCH [pattern]) \\ Return all dcc refnums whose "description" matches [pattern] (see below) * $__dccctl__(FILEMATCH [pattern]) \\ Return all dcc refnums whose "filename" matches [pattern] (see below) * $__dccctl__(USERMATCH [pattern]) \\ Return all dcc refnums whose "user" matches [pattern] (see below) * $__dccctl__(OTHERMATCH [pattern]) \\ Return all dcc refnums whose "othername" matches [pattern] (see below) * $__dccctl__(USERHOSTMATCH [pattern]) \\ Return all dcc refnums whose "userhost" matches [pattern] (see below) * $__dccctl__(LOCKED) \\ Return all dcc refnums that are locked (currently being used) * $__dccctl__(HELD) \\ Return all dcc refnums that are being held (temporarily turned off) * $__dccctl__(UNHELD) \\ Return all dcc refnums that are not being held (active) * $__dccctl__(WRITABLES) \\ Return all dcc refnums that could be written to without blocking. * $__dccctl__(READABLES) \\ Return all dcc refnums that could be readded from without blocking. * $__dccctl__(WANT_PORT [number]) \\ Use [number] as the default value for -p when time [[dcc_send]] or [[dcc_chat]] is used without the -p flag. The default value is 0 (ask the OS to give us any port). This is mutually exclusive with the DEFAULT_PORT value. * $__dccctl__(DEFAULT_PORT [string]) \\ Expand [string] each time [[dcc_send]] or [[dcc_chat]] is used without the -p flag to get the default value for -p. The default is "0" (ask the OS to give us any port) * $__dccctl__(GET ) * $__dccctl__(SET ) \\ Retrieve or change an attribute of a DCC. is a value you should have gotten from the REFNUM or REFNUMS operation. Currently supported read-write s: ^ ^ ^ description ^ |refnum |ALL |The for the DCC. | |description |DCC CHAT |"chat" | | |DCC SEND |Full pathname of file we're sending. | | |DCC RAW LISTEN |"raw_listen" | | |DCC RAW |remote hostname | | |DCC GET |The file being offered. | |filename |DCC GET |The full pathname where we're saving | |the "description"|OTHERS |NULL | |user |DCC CHAT |NICK from /dcc chat NICK | | |DCC SEND |NICK from /dcc send NICK file | | |DCC GET |NICK from /dcc get NICK file | | |DCC RAW LISTEN |PORT from $[[listen]](PORT) | | |DCC RAW |PORT from $[[connect function|connect]](host PORT) | | |DCC RAW |file descriptor from $[[listen]]() conns | |othername |DCC SEND |FILE from "/dcc send nick FILE" | | |OTHERS |empty string | |wantport |ALL |The -p option argument (port to use) | |locked |ALL |1 if being used, 0 if not | |held |ALL |1 if inactive, 0 if active. | |offeraddr |ALL |" " peer told us to use. | |quoted |ALL |8-bit-clean connection | Currently supported read-only s: |type |ALL |One of CHAT, SEND, GET, RAW, RAW_LISTEN | |filesize |DCC SEND |Size of file being offered | | |DCC GET |Size of file being offered | | |OTHERS |0 | |resumesize |DCC GET |How much of file being offered we already have. | |readbytes |ALL |How many bytes from peer in total | |sentbytes |ALL |How many bytes to peer in total | |server |ALL |Server the DCC handshake came from | |remaddr |ALL |The peer's " " | |locaddr |ALL |Our " " | |starttime |ALL |When dcc was offered or opened. | |lasttime |ALL |Last time data was transferred | |heldtime |ALL |How long the dcc has been held | |holdtime |ALL |When we put the dcc on hold. | |writable |ALL |Whether a write to dcc would block | |readable |ALL |Whether a read from dcc would block | |flags |ALL |See list: | | |1 |dcc is [[DCC CHAT]] | | |2 |dcc is [[DCC SEND]] | | |3 |dcc is [[DCC GET]] | | |4 |dcc is [[DCC RAW]] | | |5 |dcc is [[DCC]] LISTEN | | |16 |The dcc is inbound (other connects to us) | | |32 |The dcc is open and active | | |64 |The dcc is outbound (connect to other) | | |128 |The dcc is pending deletion | | |256 |The dcc is bi-directionally open | | |512 |The dcc has been rejected by either peer. | ======History:====== The $dccctl() function first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.11. \\ HELD, HOLDTIME, and FLAGS first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.12. \\ OFFERADDR first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.13. \\ QUOTED first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.14. \\ WRITABLE and WRITABLES first appeared in EPIC4-1.2.7 \\ WANT_PORT and DEFAULT_PORT first appeared in EPIC5-0.3.4