# $EPIC: jot.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/01 03:50:35 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__jot__( ) ======Technical:====== * If the argument is omitted the empty string is returned. * If the argument is omitted the empty string is returned. * If the argument is omitted the default value of 1 is used. * If the argument is 0, the empty string is returned. * The argument should be an integer value -- support for fractional numbers will be added in the future. * The argument should be positive; but if you specify a negative value, the absolute value of will be used. * If is less than , then consider the sequence \\ [, +, ++, ... ], where is less than or equal to . * If is greater than , then consider the sequence \\ [, -, --, ... ], where is greater than or equal to . * This function returns a list of words that correspond to the elements in the smallest sequence that models the appropriate sequence. ======Practical:====== This function creates a list of all of the numbers between and , with a step of . Ranges can be ascending or descending, depending on whether is greater than or less than . You can iterate over the return value with [[FE]] or [[FOR]] i IN. Another popular use is to pass the return value to $[[chr]]() to create a range of ascii characters. ======Returns:====== Every th number between and , inclusive. ======Examples:====== $jot(2 6) returns "2 3 4 5 6" $jot(2 7 2) returns "2 4 6" $jot(3 -2) returns "3 2 1 0 -1 -2" $jot(4) returns "" (empty string) $jot(4 6 8) returns "4" $jot(a 4) returns "0"