======Synopsis:====== [[notice]] //// \\ [[notice]] //// \\ [[notice]] //=// \\ [[notice]] //%// \\ [[notice]] //%%/%%// ======Description:====== The [[NOTICE]] command is just like the [[MSG]] command, and is used to send a message to another target. Whenever you use [[msg]] in response to an irc //privmsg// (a [[msg]], or a [[ctcp]] request), it will be converted into a [[notice]] for you. The IRC protocol implies that all [[msg]]s must be replied to with a [[notice]] and replying to a [[notice]] is forbidden. If you attempt to reply to a [[notice]], an error message will be displayed and the message will not be sent. There is no distinction between sending a [[msg]] and [[notice]] to a [[dcc]] target (except for [[ctcp]]s), an [[alias command|alias]], or an [[exec command|exec]] process, so you can use whichever command suits you. All notices, from any target and to any target, which you receive, will be checked for [[ctcp]] messages. All notices that contain only a [[ctcp]] reply count towards the flood control limit for [[notice]]s as well. Notices sent to you by //YOUR// server are always exempt from [[ignore]] and [[set flood_rate|flood]] control and are hooked as follows until one of the hooks catches the event: * Operator kill notices are hooked by [[ON KILL]]. * Operator notices are hooked by [[ON OPER_NOTICE]]. * All server notices are hooked by [[ON GENERAL_NOTICE]]. * All server notices are hooked by [[ON SERVER_NOTICE]]. Notices sent to you by any other server or by any target on irc are hooked as follows until one of the hooks catches the event: * An [[encrypt]]ed message is hooked by [[ON ENCRYPTED_NOTICE]] and is exempt from flood control. * All notices are hooked by [[ON GENERAL_NOTICE]]. * Any notice sent to a channel you are on is hooked by [[ON PUBLIC_NOTICE]]; * Any notice sent to you personally is hooked by [[ON NOTICE]]; * Any another notice is hooked by [[ON NOTICE]]; Notices you sent to others will be hooked through [[ON SEND_NOTICE]]. ======Examples:====== ======History:====== The [[notice]] command first appeared in ircII. # $EPIC: notice.txt,v 1.4 2006/08/29 18:22:56 sthalik Exp $