======Synopsis:====== [[on]] ctcp_request ======Description:====== This hook is triggered when the client receives a [[CTCP]] request. It's important to understand the difference between this and [[on ctcp]]. The [[on ctcp]] event is thrown for when the client has already handled the request and wants to tell the user. But [[on ctcp_request]] is thrown "early", giving you first access to the request, before the client does anything. If you handle [[on ctcp_request]] you will suppress the client's normal handling of that [[ctcp]] so don't suppress stuff like [[ctcp dcc|dcc]]. The only appropriate response to a [[on ctcp_request]] is a [[ctcp]] command that is sent as a proper reply (the client handles that). If you try to send a [[msg]] the client will convert it to a [[notice]]. ======Parameters:====== |$0 |nickname of [[CTCP]] message sender | |$1 |target of [[CTCP]] (client's nickname or channel name) | |$2 |type of CTCP | |$3- |arguments to CTCP command, if any | ======Examples:====== To customize [[CTCP]] [[ctcp VERSION|VERSION]] replies: on ^ctcp_request "% % VERSION*" (sender, recvr, type, args) { ctcp $sender VERSION ircII $J + myscript; }; ======History:====== # $EPIC: on_ctcp_request.txt,v 1.7 2012/07/04 06:30:23 jnelson Exp $