#$EPIC: on_server_status.txt,v 1.2 2007/02/13 14:21:02 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== [[on]] []server_status [] [-|^] { } ======Description:====== This event is thrown whenever a [[server status]] changes. A status might change because a server is waiting for some asynchronous action to complete. The statuses are (this list may change) |CREATED|This is the initial state of a new server that has never been used. Because it is the initial state, you can't catch it.| |RECONNECT|Set when you ask the client to connect to the server| |DNS|Set when the client waits for the DNS lookups to complete| |CONNECTING|Set when the client waits for non-blocking connect to complete| |SSL_CONNECTING|Set when the client waits for SSL negotiation to complete| |REGISTERING|Set when the client can begin protocol negotiation (USER and PASS)| |SYNCING|Set when the client has been accepted by the server, while it is doing its initial setup wiwth the server| |ACTIVE|Set when you can start using the server for whatever you want to do -- join channels, msg people, etc| |EOF|Set when the client is told by the OS the socket was closed by the server.| |ERROR|Set when the client detects an unrecoverable error -- usually before we reach the "ACTIVE" state| |CLOSING|Set when the client has decided to shut down the connection| |CLOSED|Set when the server connection is completely closed and shut down |DELETED|Set when you do [[server]] -delete| ======Parameters:====== |$0 |The server refnum | |$1 |The server's old status | |$2 |The server's new status | ======History:====== This first appeared in EPIC5-0.0.2