#$EPIC: on_unknown_command.txt,v 1.2 2007/02/13 06:05:45 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== [[on]] []unknown_command [] [-|^] { } ======Description:====== Whenever the command in a [[command statement|ircii_syntax]] is neither a builtin command nor a user-created alias, it is an //unknown command//. When [[set unknown_command]] is **off**, the command statement is hooked through this handler. This feature is intended for automatic command completion. If the command statement explicitly prefixed the command with two slashes, indiciating a built-in command, then those slashes will be preserved. In all other cases, any leading slashes will be omitted. ======Parameters:====== |$0 |The unknown command in a command statement | |$1- |The arguments to the unknown command | ======History:====== This first appeared in EPIC5-0.3.2.