# $EPIC: rest.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/19 06:07:20 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__rest__() \\ $__rest__( ) ======Technical:====== * If the argument is not provided, 1 is the default value. * The return value is with the first th characters removed. * If you think that the first word in may be a number, better to be safe than sorry; specify an explicit "1" for . ======Practical:====== This can be used to remove the initial character of a string, or to remove multiple initial characters from a string. ======Returns:====== with the first characters removed. ======Examples:====== $rest(4 foobarfnord) returns "arfnord" $rest(foobarfnord) returns "oobarfnord" $rest(1 5 testing) returns " testing"