#$EPIC: sha256.txt,v 1.3 2006/08/20 16:57:01 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $[[sha256]](////) ======Purpose:====== The $sha256() function returns the SHA-256 hash value of represented as a 64-hex-digit string. This is the value that is used for AES+SHA and SED+SHA crypto. This function is intended more for debugging the builtin sha256 support than for use in a script. ======Examples:====== $sha256(booya booya booya boo) returns 62ea80ca6a21d4ab1fec0c5c3227b593ed04309474be04ca03ea74d91fa09c34 ======History:====== The $[[sha256]]() function first appeared in EPIC5-0.3.1.