# $EPIC: shift_function.txt,v 1.5 2007/08/06 21:25:50 jnelson Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== $__shift__() ======Description:====== The function takes only one argument, a variable name. The variable is changed by removing its first [[what is a word|word]]. The function then returns that first word. ======Practical:====== This function can destructively remove the first word from an [[lval]]ue ([[ASSIGN]] variable), or non-destructively remove the first word from an rvalue (string of text). This is an essential operation when you are creating LIFOs, FIFOs, or other types of queues. ======Returns:====== The first word, which is "shifted" off of the variable, or the word list, whichever applies. If a variable name is provided, the variable IS CHANGED. ======Examples:====== assign foo blah booya $shift(foo) removes "blah" from $foo and returns "blah".