# $EPIC: window_scroll_backward.txt,v 1.4 2006/08/20 20:25:35 sthalik Exp $ ======Synopsis:====== [[window]] scroll_backward ======Description:====== This operation moves the scrollback view backwards (towards older output). The amount it moves is determined by [[set scrollback_ratio]] which is a percentage of the window's size. It is usual and customary when you scroll backward for the scrollback view to become the current view, so you will always see an immediate effect. When you reach the top of the scrollback buffer, further attempts to go backward will result in a beep. When the scrollback view is active (after you use scroll_backward), new output to your window is buffered (held) without bounds, so you will never lose any output. But it will use more memory. You may want to read the [[WINDOW]] help file discussion about views. ======History:====== This operation first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.11