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# $EPIC: log_command.txt,v 1.4 2010/01/10 01:08:22 jnelson Exp $


log <refnum> <operation> [<arguments> …]


The log command is the interface to the client's generalized logfiles. A logfile writes a copy to a file of everything that appears in your display.

Operation What it does
ACTIVITY Reset the logfile's activity timer
ADD Add a target or refnum this logfile will log
DESCRIBE Detailed information about the logfile
FILENAME filename Change the filename the logfile uses
KILL Close and kill (delete) the logfile
LEVEL levels Change the levels the logfile accepts
LIST List all currently registered logfiles (briefly)
MANGLE mangle types Change how the output will be mangled before written to the logfile
NAME logical name Change the logfile's name
NEW Create a new logfile which becomes the current logfile
OFF Stop logging. A timestamp line is added to the log
ON Start logging. A timestamp line is added to the log
REFNUM logfile refnum or logfile name Change the logfile's refnum
REMOVE target or window refnum or server refnum Remove a target or refnum from this logfile
REWRITE expando string Change how the output will be rewritten before written to the logfile
SERVER server refnum Change which server the logfile thinks it is associated with. The magic server refnum -2 means “every server”
TYPE server or window or target Changes the domain of the targets of the logfile. This deletes all previously added targets, so you should set the TYPE first.


The log command breaks down into a stream of operations of the form:

LOG <refnum> <operation> <operation-arguments>

The <refnum> is the target of the <operation>. The <refnum> is optional. There is no default <refnum> for the first operation, so it is an error if you don't specify a logfile first.

If any <operation> fails, the current logfile is unset; further operations are performed, but since there is no logfile, most further operations will also fail.

The default operation is LIST.

About domains and targets:

Each logfile belongs to a “domain” type, either WINDOW, SERVER, or TARGET. A WINDOW logfile logs all of the windows whose refnums you have added using LOG ADD. A SERVER logfile logs all of the servers whose refnums you have added using LOG ADD. The SERVER logfile type ignores the associated SERVER. To log a SERVER you have to ADD the server's refnum. A TARGET logfile logs all of the targets (channels or nicknames) whose names you have added using LOG ADD.

Please note that a logfile does not log anything by default until you add targets to it. This is especially true with server refnums, where it is not just enough to change the server association, you have to add it as a target:


If you omitted the “ADD 0” operation, it wouldn't log anything.

Logfiles are separate and overlappable:

Each logfile is fully separate and independant of all other logfiles. This means that any line of output may appear in multiple logfiles. Specifically, a server logfile will log all channels and all nicknames on that server.


The LOG command first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.8