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# $EPIC: notify_command.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/01 05:32:26 sthalik Exp $


notify -
notify +]<nickname> [[+]<nickname> ...
notify -]<nickname> [[-]<nickname> ...


You will want to know when your irc friends enter and leave irc. You can manage a list of nicknames with the /NOTIFY command, and when any of those nicknames join or leave your network, or when anyone changes to or from one of the nicknames, you will be informed.

When given no arguments, the /NOTIFY command will show you all of the nicknames in your list that are on that network, and all of the nicknames in your list that are NOT on that network.

When given just a single '+' as an argument, it will show only those who are on the network (and not those who are not).

When given just a single '-' as an argument, your notify list will be cleared. There is no way to automatically recreate your notify list once you clear it.

When given a list of nicknames, each of which is prefixed either by a plus ('+'), a minus ('-') or neither, each nickname that is prefixed by a plus or by neither will be added to your notify list, and each nickname that is prefixed by a minus will be removed from your notify list.

The notify command can only work on exact nickname matches. Wildcards are not supported and do not work. The notify command cannot track user or hosts; only exact nickname matches will work.

You must not suppress the 303 numeric (with an /on raw_irc) or /notify will irreparably break. You cannot recover from this, so don't try it.


To add your friends scuba and diver to your notify list:

    /notify scuba diver

To remove your ex-friend buddha from your notify list:

    /notify -buddha

To clear your notify list:

    /notify -

To show your friends that are current logged on irc:

    /notify +