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# $EPIC: notify_function.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/01 05:32:26 sthalik Exp $


$notify([on|off serv <server number>])


This function provides an interface to the client's internal NOTIFY list. If no arguments are passed, a list of all nicknames on the list is returned. If the ON command is used, only those nicknames that are currently present on the given server are shows; if the OFF command is used, those not on irc are shown.


This function works in a similar manner as the NOTIFY command, except it has a return value. This allows script to more easily manipulate the information.


nickname list


/notify hop crowman archon sheik
$notify()                            shows current notify list
$notify(on serv 2)                   shows who is on server #2
$notify(off serv 5)                  shows who is not on server #5