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# $EPIC: say.txt,v 1.4 2008/04/11 23:12:17 jnelson Exp $


say <text>


This command sends a message to the current window's current channel. Because query overrules the current channel, this is useful to send a message to the current channel that has a query in it.

If your current window doesn't have a current channel, this command sends a message to your current query.

The SEND command reverses this, sending a message to the current query if you have one, or the current channel if you don't have a query.

If you want to send a message to a non-current channel, you should use the msg command, or you can switch the current window's current channel with the SWITCH_CHANNELS key binding.


To send a message to the current channel:

    /say hello all!

To someone else on irc, your message may appear like this:

    <your_nick> hello all!

To you, your message may appear like this:

    > hello all!