# $EPIC: on_ssl_server_cert.txt,v 1.3 2006/08/19 02:42:38 sthalik Exp $
on [<modes>]ssl_server_cert [<serial#>] [-|^]<match> { <action> }
This hook is triggered after SSL negotation with an irc server has successfully completed.
$0 | The file descriptor for the server [NOT THE SERVER REFNUM] |
$1 | The certificate subject, passed through $urlencode(). Use $urldecode($1) to recover the cert subject. |
$2 | The certificate issuer, passed through $urlencode() Use $urldecode($2) to recover the cert issuer. |
$3 | The length of the public key, in bits. |
$4 | OpenSSL error code of the “most serious error” (18 = self-signed-cert, 62 = hostname mismatch, everything else is bad) |
$5 | The SSL regime being used, ie “TLSv1.2” |
$6 | The certificate's hash |
$7 | Was there a hostname mismatch? 0 → no error, 1 → error |
$8 | Was there a self-signed cert error? 0 → no error, 1 → error |
$9 | Was there another (serious) error? 0 → no error, 1 → error |
$10 | Was there any error of any kind? 0 → no error of any kind, 1 → some kind of error |
ON SSL_SERVER_CERT originated with the EPIC4-SSL project. ON SSL_SERVER_CERT first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.3. The values passed in $4 through $10 first appeared in EPIC5-2.1.6