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# $EPIC: on_window_command.txt,v 1.2 2006/08/19 02:36:28 sthalik Exp $


on [<modes>]window_command [<serial#>] [-|^]<match> { <action> }


This hook is triggered each time a /WINDOW command is executed, to inform you of any changes to the current operative window. This can be useful if you need to prep a window before commands are executed on it.

Changing things about a window from this hook can be dangerous and lead to a crash. This would not be a bug in epic. Use DEFER to be completely safe.


$0 The operative window refnum before the command was executed
$1 The operative window refnum after the command was executed.

If the command failed, then this is -1.


ON WINDOW_COMMAND first appeared in EPIC4-1.2.0.