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# $EPIC: timerctl.txt,v 1.4 2006/08/29 18:22:56 sthalik Exp $


$timerctl(REFNUMS) \ $timerctl(REFNUM <refnum>)
$timerctl(ADD <refnum> <interval> <events> <commands> <subargs> <window>) (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET)
$timerctl(DELETE <refnum>)
$timerctl(GET <refnum> <item>)
$timerctl(SET <refnum> <item> <value>)


GET and SET attributes:

TIMEOUT The $utime() when the timer expires.
COMMAND The commands that will be run when timer expires
SUBARGS The value that $* will have when timer is run.
REPEATS The number of times this timer should be run
INTERVAL The $utime() between REPEATs.
SERVER The server in whose context the timer is run.
WINDOW The window in whose context the timer is run.

The GET num SERVER and GET num WINDOW attributes will return -1 if the window is not a server or window timer. Naturally if both return -1 then it is neither: it is a general timer by rule.

If you SET the SERVER or WINDOW value, it unconditionally turns the timer into a server or window timer, no matter what it was before.

You are never permitted to SET any value for system timers.

You should be able to set the CANCELABLE and FIRES attributes, but that isn't supported yet.


The $timerctl() function first appeared in EPIC4-1.1.8.