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# $EPIC: bind_send_line.txt,v 1.4 2006/10/01 23:54:18 jnelson Exp $


bind <key> send_line


This operation submits the contents of the input line for processing. This is the ordinary operation of the <enter> key.

Usually the input buffer contains either a line of text, which is sent to to the current window's current target, or a command, which is executed in the context of the current window.

However, if there is a modal prompt (usually caused by the input command), then the contents of the input buffer are sent to that prompt's callback.

Other side effects:

  1. The input line is cleared
  2. If the window's hold mode is ON, and you're not holding, then the current output is considered “acknowledged”
  3. If there is a modal prompt, that modal prompt's callback is run
  4. Otherwise, on input is hooked
  5. If on input is not grabbed, the input line is parsed as with the sendline command.
  6. If the window's hold mode is ON, and you are holding, then the screen is unheld.
  7. If the window's hold mode is ON, and you are holding, and you are also scrolling back, then a bind scroll_forwards is done. This allows you to hit <enter> to catch up.


This keybinding first appeared in ircII.