# $EPIC: unlink.txt,v 1.3 2007/03/02 02:32:04 jnelson Exp $
$unlink(<file> [<file> …])
The <file> argument(s) are dwords which is different from most function arguments.
This function is roughly equivalent to the C library unlink() call. It deletes the given files from the filesystem. Standard shell tilde- expansion is permitted.
This function is used to delete files. One possible use might be to remove old client log files. Any tilde (~) found in the filename is converted to the user's home directory.
0 successful >0 number of files that could ======not====== be unlinked
$unlink(~/.ircmotd) force client to see client motd on next startup $unlink(/etc/passwd) will probably return >0
Naturally, filesystem permissions will limit what the user can and cannot unlink.