
What is a word?

The client supports several kinds of words:

Name Description
uword “Unquoted word” does not support double quotes; cannot contain a space.
qword “Quoted word” supports double quotes, and they are considered part of the word. Can contain any character.
dword “Double quoted word” is a qword that has been “dequoted” or had its double quoted removed.
word Either a uword, or a dword, depending on /xdebug dword
eword Either a uword, or a dword, depending on /xdebug extractw

No really, what is a "word"?

A “word” is a uword if xdebug dword is turned off, and it is a dword if xdebug dword is turned on.

What is an "xword"?

An “eword” is a uword if xdebug extractw is turned off, and it is a dword if xdebug extractw is turned on.

Why does it matter?

Built in functions take a string as an argument. Many of these functions must interpret this string as a list of words. Usually, all arguments are words (which means they do not support double quoted words if xdebug dword is off), unless the help file says that the argument is a dword.

The situation with built in commands is not quite as clear (yet). This is going to be addressed going forward.

—- add more! todo! XXXX —-

what_is_a_word.txt · Last modified: 2007/03/01 22:49 by