
#$EPIC: on_general_privmsg.txt,v 1.3 2007/03/03 17:58:33 jnelson Exp $


on [<modes>]general_privmsg [<serial#>] [-|^]<match> { <action> }


This hook is triggered whenever the client receives a PRIVMSG from another client.

Encrypted privmsgs that are suppressed with on encrypted_privmsg will not generate an event for this hook.


$0 nickname of message sender
$1 target of PRIVMSG
$2- text of message

Default action:

If you do not suppress this event…

  • If this message is sent to a channel you are on by someone who is not on the channel, the client will throw an on public_msg event.
  • If this message is sent to one of your current channels, the client will throw an on public event.
  • If this message is sent to one of your non-current channels, the client will throw an on public_other event.
  • If this message is sent to your nickname, the client will throw an on msg event.
  • Otherwise, the client will throw an on msg_group event.


If this hook is used in silent mode, the corresponding MSG, MSG_GROUP, PUBLIC, and PUBLIC_OTHER hooks will not be thrown.

The client does not permit automated responses to a MSG with another MSG. Such replies may use NOTICE instead. Any attempt to use MSG within this hook will be automatically converted to a NOTICE. The whole point of this is to prevent loops between clients.

on_general_privmsg.txt · Last modified: 2007/03/03 17:58 by