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# $EPIC: line.txt,v 1.3 2006/08/30 19:53:48 sthalik Exp $
$line(<line> [<window>|-level] [-time] …)
This function retrieves data from the lastlog buffer.
- <line> is the number of the line in the lastlog. 1 is the last line.
- <window> is the window number of the lastlog buffer. It defaults to the current window. Only the last one specified is used.
- If the given line doesn't exist, the empty string is returned.
- Otherwise, the raw text of the line is returned.
- If the -level flag has been given, the lastlog level of the message is appended to the return value.
- If the -time flag has been given, the timestamp of the creation of given line is appended to the return value.
This function might be used to open URLs pasted to a channel or to perform rot13 decryption or implement a feature that the LASTLOG command doesn't have.
The raw text of the line (including formatting) is returned. The lastlog level of the line is appended to the return value if -level has been specified.
line.txt · Last modified: 2006/09/01 18:32 by