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# $EPIC: right.txt,v 1.4 2006/08/19 06:21:24 sthalik Exp $
$right(<count> <text>)
- If <count> is omitted, this function returns the empty string.
- If <text> is omitted, this function returns the empty string.
- If <count> is less than 0, this function returns the empty string.
- If <text> is more than <count> characters long, then this function will return a copy of the last <count> characters in <text>.
- If <text> is less than or exactly <count> characters long, then this function will return a copy of <text>
Whenever you need to extract the trailing part of a string, you would use this function to get it. This is more useful for fixed-format strings. In ircII, you would use $mid($index(<char> <text>) 9999 <text>) to extract the part of <text> that was after <char>. In EPIC, you would use $after(<char> <text>) because it is faster, more clear, does not have any string limits, and avoids having two copies of <text>. This can be important if <text> is a function call.
The last <count> characters in <text>. No padding is done. If you need a string that is exactly <count> characters, try:
$right(5 biklmnopstv) returns "opstv" $right(15 biklmnopstv) returns "biklmnopstv" $right(-2 biklmnopstv) returns "" $mid($index(@ $userhost()) 999 $userhost()) returns a hostname in an /on. Note that this construction is obsolete, but is still used by some.
This function first appeared in ircII.
right.txt · Last modified: 2006/08/29 16:08 by